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I may not know a bunch about midi etc. i like this discussion.<br><br><div id="1364965142155-sig-id">Sent from my BlackBerry® PlayBook™<br>www.blackberry.com</div><br><hr><div><strong>From:</strong> "***@yahoo.co.uk" <***@yahoo.co.uk><br><strong>To:</strong> "***@yahoogroups.com" <***@yahoogroups.com><br><strong>Sent:</strong> March 14, 2014 10:56 AM<br><strong>Subject:</strong> [midiguitar] Re: is this group still going?<br></div><br>
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<p><span style="font-weight:bold;">Has anyone tried Jam Origin? </span><br><br>I have a roland GA77 amp, and use it with a GK2, but while I love the amp, which I think is easily as good as my Fender Twin and other amps, I hate the GA77 'synthy sounds' (with GK2) , and the fidlly-ness of the GK2/3 pickups and the annoying lead.<br><br>If I want a strat sound I have strats, and if I want a Gibson sound, I have a Gibson and other humbucker guitars (including strats) without a silly heavy (and really quite delicate) 13-pin lead.. The roland amp gives me excellent and very different eq'd sounds and compressions and tremolo and reverbs and distortions etc.. <br><br> Maybe 'direct out from the guitar modelling' might be a good way for future FX and <span style="font-weight:bold;">midi guitar synth interfaces </span>to go, as processors get cheaper and more powerful.. <br><br>Then I could throw the silly GK3's and Axon-type pickups away, and I could live quite happily with just a 1/4 inch jack lead. <br><br>It seems as if the technology is almost there, but I certainly don't want to have to plug my guitar into an audio interface, and then into a laptop, and then into an amp.. That may be OK for small (or large) studio setups, but for gigging, it would be a nightmare..<br><br>richard<br>bg</p>
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